Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking more stable

She seems to have stabilized. The respiratory therapist got into it with the cardiologist because the cardiologist want Rebekah off oxygen and so turned the flow down even though she was getting 100% oxygen while she was hooked up to the wall. The RT said Rebekah needed the flow but could go down on the oxygen and the cardiologist didn't understand how going down in the flow wasn't the same thing so the RT had to explain it to him. To be fair, he is not Rebekah's primary or even the attending (thank you Jesus) - he was a resident. So, the RT got a "blender" which mixes the room air with oxygen and allows them to give her more flow without more oxygen percentage. Right now she is at 28% oxygen (room air is 21%) and her flow 1.75L which helps her get air in her lungs without working so hard to breath. Since the RT did this, she has had no more bad episodes (she had 2 this morning the first of which required lots of help to recover from). The prayers are working, so keep them up please :)

1 comment:

  1. Love her heart. Lord, we ask you to keep holding little Rebekah in your mighty hands and bring her through this with a complete healing. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we ask these things.
