Monday, September 16, 2013

CDSA Updated Evaluation

     Today Rebekah was reevaluated for services through the Child Development Services Agency. This agency coordinates her various therapies. She scored within the normal range for language :) She was in the "concerning stage" for fine motor skills, cognitive abilities, and social-emotional skills. She scored as "delayed" in the gross motor skills and the self-help skills area (this one was because she doesn't eat by mouth). She's been receiving physical therapy the whole time, but they are going to add play therapy to help her develop her gross motor skills, and speech therapy to work on her oral motor skills.
     She has learned to roll from her left side to her back to her right side. She can't quite go in the other direction yet and cannot roll to her tummy or off her tummy, but it is a start! She amazes me every day.

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