Monday, September 9, 2013

Heart Cath Tomorrow

Rebekah is scheduled to show up for her heart cath tomorrow at 10:30. This is the procedure they didn't want to do in May because they were certain she would die. Her heart structure is such that it is possible that when they correct her dysplastic pulmonary valve through angioplasty (stretching it out to be open enough to let blood through to the lungs), that her lungs will become flooded with blood because she has a hypoplastic left ventricle which is part of the problem causing her pulmonary edema. It is a delicate balance to try to figure out what needs to happen to help her pulmonary hypertension without making the pulmonary edema worse. All that's changed since May is that she has continued to grow and she was off extra oxygen for three weeks and she's been out of the hospital for 3.5 months (with the exception of the one overnight stay for the gj back on July 9). They have not said that they know how to fix her heart without flooding her lungs yet, but the stenosis of her pulmonary valve is such that they feel they need to do it before she becomes ill and has to have it done in an emergent situation. I am very worried for her, but many people have been praying for her, all over the world, so I believe that God's will will be done.

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