Sunday, June 30, 2013


Rebekah had an excellent weekend. Everything was nice and calm, just the way it should be. Tomorrow, we get to find out what pulmonology thinks of Rebekah's lungs. Should be interesting.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Big Day

Rebekah got her shots today :( 
She also had pt today :) and a nutritionist check up which revealed that she now weighs 9lb 2.5oz! Woohoo! Being home with me and big sister agrees with her! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Yesterday, Rebekah had a very busy day. She had her 6 month check up - yay for 6 months again. Then we met with the case managers for the place we live and the place we are moving to set up Cap services - yay for awesomeness. Then, we drove all the way to the hospital for ENT clinic where she got her ears cleaned out (a much needed service for hearing properly) and we were told that she has a lot of fluid in her middle ear. Also found out that because of certain traits she has, it is highly likely that she will still have conductive hearing loss (permanent) and will most likely need electronic ears (not the worst thing that could happen). We also found out that she has lots of allergies, though unspecified at this time and ENT is going to pursue Plastics until they make her an appointment for a cleft repair (yay for awesome, caring doctors). So, we've had an exciting week and it just started.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Her appointment went super well. It appears that her heart has stabilized and she has gotten on a growth curve (she is still small).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Rebekah is still at home, almost 2.5 weeks after discharge! If se makes it to Friday, it will be 3 weeks and next Monday will equal to her longest time home ever (24 days) (her post NICU stay was 23 full days at home). Let's pray she continues to do as well as she has been doing! #so excited!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Rebekah rediscovered her hands today and has been enjoying sticking one in her mouth at a time and gumming them.
Rebekah had such a great day today! Awesome!

Friday, June 14, 2013


The nutritionist just left and Rebekah now weighs 8lb 12.5oz! Being home has been so good for her (that's 220g since discharge). I also enjoyed the checkup because I always love being told what a great job I'm doing. As a special needs parent, it is something that is difficult to accept about yourself so hearing someone else say it helps!

Mile Marker

Rebekah is 6 months old today! Yep, she is half way to being one year old. For her, this is quite the accomplishment. She had been through more, physically, in her six months than some people go through in their entire lives. Yet, she is happy and content at home. I think we can all learn a lesson from my courageous and enduring little girl.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


We are having such a good day today. Rebekah's reflux is better (hardly having to be suctioned). She is also really enjoying her monkey seat.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

She's Tall!

Rebekah is now 22.25inches long!  That is so amazing! She started life off at only 16.9 inches, so she's come a "long" way (hehe). She has had a day full of sleep today, which is awesome also.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Rebekah is doing pretty well. Don't know that she likes the humidity that has come with all the rain because she was fussy during the worst of it and only calmed down when the humidity lessened but she did need to go back on oxygen again. Other than that, she has been sleeping well, tolerating her feeds, and doing well. Oh, and she weighs 8lb 6.5oz, which is a 2.5 oz increase from hospitalization.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Today was a great day! My mom watched Rebekah for a little bit while I got some much needed alone time with Niya. Rebekah is growing and doing well.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Speaks for itself

Doing Well

Rebekah is doing so great! Being home is definitely good for her: she is sleeping well, she isn't fussy, she hasn't had tummy problems since she got her Prevacid, her weight is back up, and she's only on .05LPM of oxygen, which is almost completely off, with stats in the mod 90s. Life is so good!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ticklish Rebekah

Rebekah has ha a great day today. She slept all the way through last night (except for when I had to change her) and has been happy all day. She loves sitting in the Bumbo and is ticklish :) She has also discovered her voice and has been babbling away lately. She has progressed in physical therapy and can even reach her toes now (though it is assisted).

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Good day

Rebekah has had a fairly good day. Finally got her Prevacid from the pharmacy (it was on back order) so he has stopped refluxing. Went for a post hospitalization check up and she's regained all of the weight she lost the last few days in the hospital from overstimulation so being home is doing her good. She has tried out her Bumbo that Aunt Sarah gave her and loves it.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Rebekah has learned that if she reaches and grabs, something will happen.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


The home health nurse said that since there is nothing new to teach me about Rebekah's care and because she sees a registered dietician once a week who is able to weigh her, there is no need for the home health services (this is a place that just helps those who can't get to the doctor). My mom was super awesome and stayed with Rebekah while I went to the grocery store too.


Rebekah is doing extremely well at home. She slept very well last night and is taking good quality naps. When she is awake, she is very alert and interested in laying down and looking at her toys or me, which ever she sees. Her home health nurse will be here shortly to do an evaluation to get a good post-hospital baseline for her. It feels so good to be home with her.

Saturday, June 1, 2013