Monday, April 1, 2013

Back at Brenners

So, today I took Rebekah to the peds office because she was dusky, fussy, coughing, sneezing, and not sleeping well. Her oxygen saturation was only 75%. So, they sent us to the ER to do some tests and then we were sent to Brenners again with an aspiration pneumonia diagnosis. She is currently stable and sleeping. They have already started antibiotics to help her get better. She is "on the floor" which means she is just here for observation right now.

1 comment:

  1. Precious picture of Niya and Bekah. MWAH - hug, hug.

    Amber, prayers for your strength and stamina as well as Rebekah's. And focus for Matthew as I cannot imagine how he can do his school work. I know time is pressing him to keep on, keepin on with that.

    May God's love be manifest to you all in very tangible ways.

    In Christ's service,
