Saturday, May 18, 2013


Rebekah continues to do the same as yesterday, health wise. She hasn't ran a fever again and seems fairly content as long as she has her pacifier. She was a little fussy throughout the night, but actually slept for an hour and a half in one stretch at one point in the night which was pretty awesome. We are still waiting on a room to open up in the IMC so that she can move out of the ICU room. She is already back on the IMC rounds as far as doctors go. Tomorrow evening, my pastor is coming to do a baby dedication for her in her room. That should be amazing.


  1. Do they know why she keeps running a fever? Love you guys!

    1. They do not actually know, so they like to guess. Their best guess is that she has autonomic storming which is where the cortex portion of her brain, which regulates automatic things like breathing, heart rate, and temperature regulation, doesn't work properly.
