Sunday, September 29, 2013


Sorry it has been so long since I posted an update. Rebekah is currently doing well. Last Monday, she was admitted to the hospital and kept until Wednesday for a UTI. She is still on antibiotics for that. She had a heart echo while in and they (the lovely cardiologist team) decided to that she can no longer be weened down below 1LPM of concentrated oxygen through her nasal cannula. Her primary cardiologist also made it a point to tell me, again, that she has a combination of heart defects that are not normally found in living people and that they are opposing defects. This means that it is difficult for the cardiology team to know what to do for her because, if they fix one thing it will potentially, and likely, make other things worse. He also reiterated that they are not sure how her heart is working in the first place.  While it is so nice to hear that she is a miracle just for being alive (more than most), it is not very comforting to know that one of the best cardiology teams in NC has no clue how to help my baby heal, even with all the prayers for wisdom and guidance. It kind of makes me wonder what they do know.
    On the brighter side of things, there is a Mended Little Hearts calendar photo shoot at noon this Sunday where all the local CHD kids can dress up as what they want to be when they grow up and get their pictures taken. Niya, my older daughter, is excited because she gets to have her picture taken with Rebekah. They are both dressing up as ballerinas (Niya's choice, since Rebekah can't really tell me what she wants to be).

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