Tuesday, March 19, 2013

2 forward 3 back

Last night, around 2 am, Rebekah's stars dropped dramatically (heart rate in 60s-70s and oxygen saturation in the 50s-70s and barely breathing). They could not get them to come back up so they kicked me out of the room while they took an hour to intubate her again. They had difficulty intubating her, so anesthesia came and did it- it took a total of 4 tries to be successful. They ha to use a paralytic so that she would be still and rest. They gave her medicine to increase her heart rate and gave her tons of oxygen to bring up her saturation. They are currently placing a PIC line and a temporary TP line so that she can have a long term iv and receive nutrition without the risk of aspiration. She is still very grey-looking and they are keeping her heavily sedated. It was very scary - I thought I almost lost her. At this point, I am begging God to let me keep my little girl because she just seems so frail and the doctors seem to think she will continue to be in the hospital for a long time when just yesterday they were setting things up to send her hope later this week. Life is so unpredictable. I hope that everyone who has a child in their life appreciates how much they are worth an how how quickly they can leave. This life we live is so precarious and it can be taken away in an instant. Make sure you hug your child today and that they know how much you care.

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