Friday, March 1, 2013


So, apparently her hear rate dipping down is not concerning unless it goes below 50 bpm. In the wee hours of the morning, she had tons of Brady episodes in which her other stats did not decrease. She also had to be suctioned several times, though those times did not coincide with the Bradys.
The intermediate side is completely empty now except for Rebekah. This means that there are less critically ill children! Praise The Lord for healing children. For Rebekah, this means that she will have to move because the hospital cannot afford to have 2 nurses to just the one her.
She still refluxes. It is worse than at home because it aggravates her sinuses and makes her produce more mucus. This is why she has to be suctioned so often. They cannot give a baby a decongestant, so they are going to try to give her Prevacid again. They also mentioned the possibility of a gj tube (it bypasses the stomach so there is nothing to reflux).

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