Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shaping Up

Today, Rebekah's heart surgeon released her from his care because her heart is now the size that it is supposed to be and within normal limits for her size and age. She has lost almost 10 oz since her surgery, but some weight loss was expected, especially with the amount of diuretics she's been getting through the iv. She is doing so well that they may extubate her again tomorrow. I pray that this time is successful and that it is safely done. Since her lungs are now almost clear of any fluid, it should be. I have felt very alone throughout this entire process. Niya has been with me the past 2 weeks because I took her out of public school and began homeschooling her, which has helped me because I could see my healthy child and help her process what has been going on with her sister. Matthew has been in Boone this whole time with the exception of his spring break when he spent Rebekah's surgery date at the hospital and then visited the short times in the two days following her surgery. It has been helpful to know that so many people are praying for Rebekah and our family and to know that people are there if I need to talk. Today I tapped into the resources available at the hospital and began to talk out some of my feelings while Niya spent time with my mom. That was nice as well. I hope and pray that the doctors will make the right decisions for Rebekah tomorrow.


  1. So glad to hear from you, Amber. You and baby Rebekah and Niya and Matthew and the medical team are being supported by some who do not know you. I have asked several, several to join in praying for you and your family, esp Rebekah.

    Thanks be to God that you have many "sounding boards" to begin to process some of this with. That is one answered prayer.

    How very much you are loved, Dear One.

  2. I am so glad to hear from you. I was worried extra since it had been a few days since you posted last. Please know that there are people far and near with you, your family, the medical teams, and sweet little Rebekah in their prayers.
    It is great that you have been able to talk to some one and begin processing everything. I can only imagine what all you have been though and felt, and I am sure you are really just beginning to realize it all as well. You are more than welcome to call me to talk anything through as well. i do love you!
    Praise be to God! The news is wonderful! You truly have a miracle!
