Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bad episode

We went to eat supper at around 6:45pm. When we left, she was stable. When we came back at around 9pm, she was unresponsive, struggling to breath, very congested and breathing at around 100 respirations per minute. We immediately called a nurse because her nurse was in another room. The nurse came in, assessed her, and called the doctor. As we waited, we took turns holding her and patting her back so that she could work the congestion out. The doctor came and looked at her. She said her lungs sounded ok and she had already had an increase in diuretics today so she didn't want to go up so we asked for a deep suction. She said we could try and called a respiratory therapist. The RT came up (we had her in the NICU) and said he didn't like her respirations or her O2 stats. She set up and that was when we first saw the night nurse assigned to Rebekah who said she had looked like that since she got here at 7pm. We said there was no way and then we explained what was different for her. The RT didn't think she would pull anything out, but said she would try anyway. She went down 2x and pulled out a moderate amount of white stuff each time. She also said she would come back a little later and repeat it if needed. Then her nurse disappeared again. Don't like her very much. Oh well, we get what we want regardless :)

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