Monday, February 25, 2013

Too cautious

The doctors are so concerned that she might have a viral or bacterial infection even though nothing has grown and all are negative so far that they still have not scheduled a cath lab. They are especially concerned about aspiration pneumonia which, if she had it, would make the cath lab dangerous. While I appreciate their concern and caution, I do not appreciate them ignoring the idea that I might know something about my child thy they do not know. She aspirated at 4days old, so I know how she looked and acted when she aspirated. I know for a fact that she aspirated then because the next day's swallow study proved it. However, she does not sound, look, or act now like she did then, so that makes me feel fairly confident that she did not aspirate but they will not listen to me. She continues to have severe reflux even with a change to a higher dose of meds to prevent it, so she is always at risk for aspiration. Every time they attempt to ween her off the barely there oxygen, she turns grey and drops her stats. Prayers are a serious commodity.

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